Experience the heart-rending tale of 'Persistence', where the harmonious synergy of Chad Taylor, the visionary choreographer, and Natasha Gooden, the enchanting dancer, captivates your soul. Intertwined with a reflective narrative crafted by CourtsWrites, immerse yourself in the profound odyssey of a young man's unwavering yearning to unearth his authentic self.
As a cherished spectator, you're not merely an observer but a participant in your emotive expedition. Traverse the echoes of your voyage, acknowledging the indomitable spirit propelling you forward through life's trials.
This remarkable creation, forged with the unwavering support of Z-Arts, Contact Theatre, Black Gold Arts, and STUN, invites you to partake in a profound celebration of human tenacity.
Director and choreographer: Chad Taylor @chaddytaylor
Writer and Dramaturge: CourtsWrites @courtswrites
Photographer: Amir Shah @amirshah
Natasha Gooden (@natasha1gooden), Steven Aspinall, Chad Taylor
CourtsWrites LIMITED©
Registered in England
Company number: 14948124
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