“This Kind of Black (Requiem for Black Boys)," a captivating stage production by poet and musician Reece Williams. Set in the 1990s Moss Side, amidst conflict and resilience, this coming-of-age tale celebrates a community's strength through prayer, warmth, and humor while grappling with the tragic loss of young lives. Navigating the intersection of race and class, the show delves into the complex relationship between father and son, shedding light on the impact of trauma on the mental health of young Black boys across generations.
As the appointed movement director, I collaborated closely with the creative team to seamlessly merge the physical narrative with the poetic essence, crafting choreography that enhances performers' connection to spoken word poetry and traditional acting styles on stage.
Written and performed by Reece Williams @reeceiw
Produced and directed by Matt Fenton
Movement Direction by Courtney ‘CourtsWrites’ Hayles
Sound Designer Yussuf Maleem @yussuf.maleem
Digital Designer Sumit Sarkar @kriksix
Production Images by Audrey Albert @ooathaenaoo
CourtsWrites LIMITED©
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